I was successful with upgrading to Mediawiki ver. 16.0. However, I am having an issue with FCKeditor producing a blank page.
Current Setup: MediaWiki 1.16.0 PHP 5.1.16 MySQL 5.0.77
I include $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; to the LocalSetting.php file.
I upgraded the FCKeditorParser.body.php file, and now I get the following error message when trying to access the wiki: *Fatal error*: Class 'FCKeditorParserWrapper' not found in */appl/web/devwiki/public_www/mediawiki-1.16.0/extensions/FCKeditor/FCKeditorParser.body.php* on line *3 * Here is line 3 of FCKeditorParser.body.php: class FCKeditorParser extends FCKeditorParserWrapper {
I have been looking for "FCKeditorParserWrapper.php".
Do you know where I can obtain this file, because I haven't had any success.
Thank you!