I have a little problem with my adminuser of the wiki database. I create a new mysql user called wikiadmin in this way:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'wikiadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX'
This settings I wrote in my AdminSettings.php, which looks like this
<?php /** * This file should be copied to AdminSettings.php, and modified * to reflect local settings. It is required for the maintenance * scripts which run on the command line, as an extra security * measure to allow using a separate user account with higher * privileges to do maintenance work. * * Developers: Do not check AdminSettings.php into CVS! * * @package MediaWiki */
$wgDBadminuser = 'wikiadmin'; $wgDBadminpassword = 'XXX';
/* * Whether to enable the profileinfo.php script. */ $wgEnableProfileInfo = false; ?>
My AdminSettings.php is in the folder mediawiki-1.5.5 like my LocalSettings.php.
Now, if I run the rebuildtextindex.php, I will get error message, that the wikiadmin@localhost cannot connect to the database. But if I add the lines for the adminuser from the Adminsettings to the rebuildtextindex.php, all will be fine. I think, this is not a good solution.
The rights for the Adminsettings.php are
-rwxrwxr-- 1 www-data www-data 817 2006-04-11 09:55 AdminSettings.php
Has anybody an idea, what my failure is?
Cheers, Jasmin