Dear friends
On working with mediawiki 1.3.7 i encountered the following problem: the german Umlaute ä,ö,ü, are not displaied. See:
Under the register navigation, for example, "letzte nderungen" should be "letzte Änderungen" or "Zuflliger Artikel" should correctly be "Zufälliger Artikel". You can see the effect on the buttom line to, "ber" should be "über".
In the LocalSettings.php i did the following definitions:
$wgLanguageCode = "de"; $wgUseLatin1 = false;
The PhpMyAdmin version is 2.5.6 And the MySQL version is 4.0.20
In the Phpmyadmin i have defined the language "German de-iso-8859-1"
Could you give me any solving proposals of my problem?
Thank you in advance.
Yours faithfully
On Nov 13, 2004, at 6:14 AM, Andrea Arena wrote:
On working with mediawiki 1.3.7 i encountered the following problem: the german Umlaute ä,ö,ü, are not displaied. See:
Your LanguageDe.php seems to be badly corrupted. Have you edited any of the files?
-- brion vibber (brion @
On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 12:45:58 -0800, Brion Vibber wrote:
On Nov 13, 2004, at 6:14 AM, Andrea Arena wrote:
german Umlaute ä,ö,ü, are not displaied. See:
Your LanguageDe.php seems to be badly corrupted. Have you edited any of the files?
Specifically, non-latin1 characters seem to have been converted at some stage into what seem to be "FFFD replacement characters" (Mozilla on Linux displays missing glyphs as a square of hex digits; wherever umlauted letters should be, it's showing me | F F | | F F | | F D | | F D | ) This is (according to Brion at a character used by software as a placeholder for unrecognised characters. Probably either in downloading or editing the LanguageDe file, some piece of software has mangled it, and therefore the UI messages in it.
You could either: a) re-download the file, and run maintenance/rebuildMessages.php [I think that's the one] to build the correct version back into your database; or b) go through all the messages in your MediaWiki: namespace, replacing the broken characters with what they should be ([[Spezial:Allmessages]] should aid you in this task). I was able to enter letters with umlauts in a normal page fine: I took the liberty of trying at
I think this caused by the character being sent to the browser raw and not being changed into the appropriate entity. I don't know how to fix this, though. (In mine, it was displayed as either a question mark and a box or 2 question marks.)
On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 15:14:07 +0100, Andrea Arena wrote:
Dear friends
On working with mediawiki 1.3.7 i encountered the following problem: the german Umlaute ä,ö,ü, are not displaied. See:
Under the register navigation, for example, "letzte nderungen" should be "letzte Änderungen" or "Zuflliger Artikel" should correctly be "Zufälliger Artikel". You can see the effect on the buttom line to, "ber" should be "über".
In the LocalSettings.php i did the following definitions:
$wgLanguageCode = "de"; $wgUseLatin1 = false;
The PhpMyAdmin version is 2.5.6 And the MySQL version is 4.0.20
In the Phpmyadmin i have defined the language "German de-iso-8859-1"
Could you give me any solving proposals of my problem?
Thank you in advance.
Yours faithfully
MediaWiki-l mailing list
On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 16:13:50 -0500, Jamie Bliss wrote:
I think this caused by the character being sent to the browser raw and not being changed into the appropriate entity. I don't know how to fix this, though. (In mine, it was displayed as either a question mark and a box or 2 question marks.)
No, you misunderstand: the characters are clearly corrupted *in your database*. I was able to add un-corrupted letters with umlauts with no problem at all, as can be seen at How the corrupted characters are displayed (or even how they are transmitted) doesn't matter, they simply need replacing in the database with what they should have been in the first place.
My bad. Please don't bite my head off.
Forget the thing I said. Listen to the other guys.
On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 21:26:38 +0000, Rowan Collins wrote:
On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 16:13:50 -0500, Jamie Bliss wrote:
I think this caused by the character being sent to the browser raw and not being changed into the appropriate entity. I don't know how to fix this, though. (In mine, it was displayed as either a question mark and a box or 2 question marks.)
No, you misunderstand: the characters are clearly corrupted *in your database*. I was able to add un-corrupted letters with umlauts with no problem at all, as can be seen at How the corrupted characters are displayed (or even how they are transmitted) doesn't matter, they simply need replacing in the database with what they should have been in the first place.
-- Rowan Collins BSc [IMSoP]
MediaWiki-l mailing list