You can do it by simply adding file:// to the list of protocols handled in LocalSettings.php. See
A couple of additional limitations / gotchas: 1) Obviously those will be file links, so the permissions will be based on the user clicking on them. This can be good and bad... 2) Generally, using drive letters under windows is problematic since most folks don't have the drives mapped identically. Use FQNs where possible. 3) You can't have spaces in the file or directory names. You can get around this by urlencoding the links, or using the 8.3 names in Windows.
The upshot of 2 & 3 above is that a link to S:\Important Files\Foo.xls becomes [file://ServerName\ShareName$\Important%20Files\Foo.xls My link to the file] Christopher M. Reigrut Applications Systems Architect Key Technology Services / KeyBank 1000 South McCaslin Boulevard Superior, Colorado 80027 720-304-1049
----- Message from "Charlie Markwick" <charlie-markwick@southcot. com> on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 08:59:12 -0000 -----
"MediaWiki announcements and site admin list" <mediawiki-l@lists.>
[Mediawiki-l] Links to files
We are using a wiki for internal policies and procedures and want to create links to files.
I had assumed that using:-
[file://///FileStore/documents/AddingDomains.pdf Adding Domains] would give me a clickable link but it doesn't. Is there a way of getting this to work?
Charlie Markwick
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