I have run across several sites that have forums inside the wiki skin. One such example is here: http://www.lost-company.info/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26
How is this achieved? I would like to get the sidebar onto my forums.
On 19/09/05, Bass, Joshua L joshua.l.bass@lmco.com wrote:
I have run across several sites that have forums inside the wiki skin. One such example is here: http://www.lost-company.info/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26
How is this achieved? I would like to get the sidebar onto my forums.
Well, apart from looking rather broken in my browser, that site appears to have used a CMS called Mambo which incorporates forums and a wiki - so it's not so much a forum within the wiki, as a forum and a wiki both within something else. Whether MediaWiki is something that comes with Mambo normally, or they've hacked it in there, I can't make out - there doesn't seem to be a straight-forward feature list on the mambo homepage - but basically, they've skinned both so that they look like they go together.
On 19/09/05, Rowan Collins rowan.collins@gmail.com wrote:
Whether MediaWiki is something that comes with Mambo normally, or they've hacked it in there, I can't make out - there doesn't seem to be a straight-forward feature list on the mambo homepage
Ah - it's a plug-in module type thing: see http://www.lyquidity.com/mambo/index.php?option=com_mambowiki&Itemid=134 and http://mamboforge.net/projects/mambowiki/ (and http://www.mamboserver.com/ for the actual CMS)