Hi all I'm running mediawiki 1.8.4 on my Gentoo Linux with MySQL 5.0.42 and php 5.2.2-r1. When I edit a site then I get the following error:
Fehler in der Datenbank Es gab einen Syntaxfehler in der Datenbankabfrage. Die letzte Datenbankabfrage lautete:
(SQL-Abfrage versteckt)
aus der Funktion „MediaWikiBagOStuff::_doinsert“. MySQL meldete den Fehler „1062: Duplicate entry 'wikidb-mw_:pcache:idhash:1293-0!1!0!!de!2' for key 1 (localhost)“.
When i do a "delete from mw_objectcache" I can store the site but only once. I tried "repair table mw_objectcache" with no sucess: "The storage engine for table doesn't suporrt repair" I had had this error today on mediawiki 1.7.x the very first time, so I upgraded to 1.8.4.
How can I fix that? Or can I at least store the sites somewhere, delete all and reinstall (i do not need any history so I'm happy whit the sites only)?
Thanks and cheers Chrsitian