I am having problems setting up custom User Groups.
I have added a new User Group to LocalSettings.php. The new user group shows up on Special:Userrights and i can assign it to a user. However, after i have assigned a user to this new custom group, the new privileges don't become active for that user.
Is there anything else besides: $wgGroupPermissions['ninja']['delete'] = true; that needs to be added to LocalSettings to enable a new user group?
(I am bit confused by the documentation at http://meta.wikimedia.org/ wiki/Help:User_levels At one point it says you need sheel acccess to the server to create new groups, and then a few lines down it says that new groups can be added in LocalSettings.php as i mentioned above.)
a@kid wrote:
I have added a new User Group to LocalSettings.php. The new user group shows up on Special:Userrights and i can assign it to a user. However, after i have assigned a user to this new custom group, the new privileges don't become active for that user.
Is there anything else besides: $wgGroupPermissions['ninja']['delete'] = true; that needs to be added to LocalSettings to enable a new user group?
No, nothing else is needed. I can confirm this works correctly in 1.6.5 and current trunk code. What are you not seeing that you're expecting?
(Keep in mind that pages are cached, and your change to LocalSettings.php doesn't automatically invalidate the cache unless it was created from a 1.6 installer. Make sure you've done a complete reload of the page if you're just looking for a "delete" tab on one particular page.)
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)