From: David Gerisch [] [snip]
just replace the search portlet with an anchor link to the htDig search page.
What I did was to edit \skin\skinname.php (where skinname is the skin you are using - I took monobook & derived a new skin from it to hold all our customisations).
The code we now have for the search portlet is:
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> <!-- function ActionDeterminator() { if(document.searchform.engine[0].checked == true) { document.searchform.action = '<?php $this->text('searchaction') ?>'; } if(document.searchform.engine[1].checked == true) { document.searchform.action = ''; document.searchform.method = 'get'; document.searchform.q.value =; } return true; } function entsub(myform) { if (window.event && window.event.keyCode == 13) { ActionDeterminator(); myform.submit(); } else { return true; } } // --> </script>
<tr> <td align="right" nowrap> <div class="searchtext"> <form name="searchform" action="<?php $this->text('searchaction') ?>" id="searchform"> <input name="q" type="hidden" value=""> <input type="radio" name="engine" checked><font color="white">Intranet</font> <input type="radio" name="engine"><font color="white">The web</font> <input name="search" type="text" <?php if($this->haveMsg('accesskey-search')) { ?>accesskey="<?php $this->msg('accesskey-search') ?>"<?php } if( isset( $this->data['search'] ) ) { ?> value="<?php $this->text('search') ?>"<?php } ?> onkeypress="return entsub(this.form)"/> <input type='image' name="fulltext" class="searchButton" src="<?php $this->text('stylepath') ?>/<?php $this->text('stylename') ?>/search.gif" alt="Search" value="<?php $this->msg('search') ?>" onClick="return ActionDeterminator();" /> </form> </div> <!-- searchtext --> </td> </tr>
Which allows us to choose between a google search & a wiki search.
Hope this helps.