I want to extend the user create form with some extra fields and have these fields e-mailed to a sysop. Does anyone know where I the e-mail function should be placed and called from?
The page contents of Mediawiki is written in php markup language.
Where will I find a good resource to learn this php markup language? Is there perhaps a program that one can use? (Thinking for example a Delphi for PHP)?
Thank you.
Sarel Wesssels (Agri Wiki) wrote:
The page contents of Mediawiki is written in php markup language.
PHP isn't exactly a markup language, but a programming language.
Where will I find a good resource to learn this php markup language? Is there perhaps a program that one can use? (Thinking for example a Delphi for PHP)?
No better place to start than http://www.php.net/manual/en/tutorial.php