I want to write a bugzilla integration. My initial thought is a template, say Bug, that populates a page with the bug detals. So {{Bug|1000}} will return a table with the bug summary, priority etc.
First thing is contacting bugzilla and getting the data: http://.../show_bug.cgi?id=1000&ctype=xml. After that, parsing the xml to extract data
Since I'm very new to PHP and mediawiki, I don't know where to start. I'd be glad to get a reference to projects that do similar things.
Thanks, Ittay
Hi Ittay!
I want to write a bugzilla integration. My initial thought is a template, say Bug, that populates a page with the bug detals. So {{Bug|1000}} will return a table with the bug summary, priority etc. ... Since I'm very new to PHP and mediawiki, I don't know where to start. I'd be glad to get a reference to projects that do similar things.
This was done for a differen bugtracker before. Try looking at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MantisIntegration to get a hint how to start. That extention works well for me.
Regards, Stefan