I need to list only the recent change of each article, and suppress older changes. This is solved by the extension funciton below.
An unwanted side-effect of my query condition is however that the log data is also suppressed, but I want to see the log data.
Question to the database experts:
How can I amend the query condition so that log data is not suppressed in the recent changes view?
function onlyRecentRecentChanges( &$conds, &$tables, &$join_conds, $opts, &$query_options = array() ) {
if ( !in_array( 'page', $tables) ) $tables[] = 'page'; $conds[] = 'rc_this_oldid=page_latest'; /* What needs to be added here ?*/ return true;
} $wgHooks['SpecialRecentChangesQuery'][] = 'onlyRecentRecentChanges';