How I do that in my skin.php, that I have a advertisement box like http://gentoo-wiki.com/Main_Page on the right site. I tried to do it on http://www.italien.ch/de/wiki/Hauptseite , but it don't works correct. ( Advertisement is in the article content) The advertising is insert with include_one(XY?);
With wich tags i reache it?
thank you
On 24/01/07, Arena Andrea andrea@arena.cd wrote:
How I do that in my skin.php, that I have a advertisement box like http://gentoo-wiki.com/Main_Page on the right site. I tried to do it on http://www.italien.ch/de/wiki/Hauptseite , but it don't works correct. ( Advertisement is in the article content) The advertising is insert with include_one(XY?);
Rob Church
Rob Church <robchur@...> writes:
Rob Church
I don't meen the google adsense advertisement. How I move my advertising to the full right site (htm//css tags)
my intentiion:
-------------------- ciao italia -------------------- -------- | | | my Ad | | | | here | | | | | | Content | | | | | -------- | | | | | | | | | | --------------------
-------------------- ciao italia -------------------- -------- | | | my Ads | | | | here | | | | | | Content | | | | | -------- | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------
Andrea Arena a écrit :
How I move my advertising to the full right site (htm//css tags)
have a look at the source code of the page ?
--> div --> style="width:160px; margin-top: 35px; padding: 0px; float: right; right:0; positon:absolute; height: 1px;">
--> div id="content" --> style="margin-right: 163px;"
now look at http://www.italien.ch/de/wiki/Hauptseite the ads ar on the right place, but it isn't in the right raltion to the site because i must always move to the right site to see the ads.
The code:
<div id="globalWrapper"> <div id="column-content"> <div style="width:0px; margin-top: 85px; padding: 0px; float: right; right:0; positon:absolute; height: 1px;"> <?php include_once("/wiki/skins/buttonleiste.php"); ?> </div> </div> </div>
Andrea Arena a écrit :
now look at http://www.italien.ch/de/wiki/Hauptseite the ads ar on the right place, but it isn't in the right raltion to the site because i must always move to the right site to see the ads.
Hi andy,
I don't mean to be rude, but did you actually take a deep look at the source code of http://gentoo-wiki.com/ and the php file of your skin ???
because :
1. you have two <div id="globalWrapper"> and <div id="column-content"> in your source code (id should be used only once) 2. you didn't change the <div id="content"> to <div id="content" style="margin-right: 163px;"> which is the reason why your ads is "overlapping" with your content page.
in the source code of your page, you've got :
<body class="mediawiki ns-0 ltr"> <div id="globalWrapper"> <div id="column-content">
<div style="margin-top: 85px; padding: 0px; float: right; right:0; positon:absolute; height: 1px;"> ... </div> </div> </div>
<div id="titleBar"></div> <div id="globalWrapper"> <div id="column-content"> <div id="content"> ...
</div> </div> </div>
instead, you should have something like :
<div id="titleBar"></div> <div id="globalWrapper"> <div id="column-content"> <div style="width:##px; margin-top: 85px; padding: 0px; float: right; right:0; positon:absolute; height: 1px;"> ... </div> <div id="content" style="margin-right: ##px> ...
</div> </div> </div>
I tested this modification in monobook.php and it works just fine ;-)
I don't work.
you say that i should use <div id="globalWrapper"> or <div id="column-content">, but in yours testet modification you use both. I'm confused.
<div id="column-content"> <div style="width: 0px; margin-top: 85px; padding: 0px; float: right; right:0; positon:absolute; height: 1px;"> <?php include_once("/home/italy/public_html/common/wiki/skins/buttonleiste.php"); ?> </div> <div id="content" style="margin-right: 0px;"> </div> </div> </div>
Screenshot: http://www.italien.ch/error.png
I'm not sure what i do wrong.
Andrea Arena a écrit :
you say that i should use <div id="globalWrapper"> or <div id="column-content">,
Hi andy,
No, I meant that you have TWO <div id="globalWrapper"> AND TWO <div id="column-content"> in the source code of your page. you should have only ONE <div id="globalWrapper"> AND ONE <div id="column-content"> ;-)
AND you must change the <div id="content" style="margin-right: 0px;"> to <div id="content" style="margin-right: ##px;">
AND you have to change <div style="width: 0px; margin-top: 85px; padding: 0px; float: right; right:0; position:absolute; height: 1px;"> to <div style="width: ##px; margin-top: 85px; padding: 0px; float: right; right:0; position:absolute; height: 1px;">
where ##px must be different from 0px (like 120px for the width of your ads <div> and 121px for the <div id="content"> margin-right
Because I made the test with ##px = 0px and it was doing the exact same thing than on your website (need to scroll on the right) but with ##px = 160px, it was alright
By the way, there is a small misspelling : positon --> position (but you don't need it anyway so you can remove it)
I'm not sure what i do wrong.
How did you create your skin ? did you modifiy a copy of monobook.php (and its css) or did you add something to MySkin.php ?
mhh. It is possible, that my new italien.php (vbgore) skin with the main.css is differet then the monobook skin.
I tried to change something's. http://www.italien.ch/de/wiki/Hauptseite
<div id="content" style="margin-right: 121px;"> <div style="width: 160px; margin-top: 85px; padding: 0px; float: right; right:0; height: 1px;"> <?php include_once("/home/italy/public_html/common/wiki/skins/buttonleiste.php"); ?> </div> </div> </div> (Why i use a third </div> ?)
merci alexis que vous m'aide
Andrea Arena a écrit :
I tried to change something's. http://www.italien.ch/de/wiki/Hauptseite
now you have TWO <div id="content"> in your source code :-s. you should have only ONE
<div id="content" style="margin-right: 121px;"> <div style="width: 160px; margin-top: 85px; padding: 0px; float: right;
The "content" margin-right should be greater than the width of your ads. --> if you have <div id="content" style="margin-right: 121px;...> , you should have <div style="width: 120px;...>
It seems that you're not familiar at all with css formatting, are you ? let's try another way.
1. open the file common/wiki/skins/italien/main.css (it was in the vbgore skin you installed) 2. find this (it's at the beginning of the file): #content { font-size: 1.2em; line-height: 1.2em; } 3. change it : #content { font-size: 1.2em; line-height: 1.2em; margin-right: 161px; }
4. open the php file of your skin (that was vbGore.php I guess ?) 5 find this (lines 78-85):
<body <?php if($this->data['body_ondblclick']) { ?>ondblclick="<?php $this->text('body_ondblclick') ?>"<?php } ?> <?php if($this->data['body_onload' ]) { ?>onload="<?php $this->text('body_onload') ?>"<?php } ?> <?php if($this->data['nsclass' ]) { ?>class="<?php $this->text('nsclass') ?>"<?php } ?>> <div id="titleBar"></div> <div id="globalWrapper"> <div id="column-content"> <div id="content"> <a name="top" id="contentTop"></a> ...
6. change it :
<body <?php if($this->data['body_ondblclick']) { ?>ondblclick="<?php $this->text('body_ondblclick') ?>"<?php } ?> <?php if($this->data['body_onload' ]) { ?>onload="<?php $this->text('body_onload') ?>"<?php } ?> <?php if($this->data['nsclass' ]) { ?>class="<?php $this->text('nsclass') ?>"<?php } ?>> <div id="titleBar"></div> <div id="globalWrapper"> <div id="column-content">
<div style="width: 160px; margin-top: 85px; padding: 0px; float: right; right:0; height: 1px;"> <div align="center"> <br> <A HREF="http://de.italien.ch/shop/Arena_FinCorporation_GmbH" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="http://www.italien.ch/werbung/banner-arena.gif" alt="Ihre Werbung auf Italien.ch"></a><br> <br> <A HREF="http://de.italien.ch/shop/Werbung" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="http://www.italien.ch/werbung/Ihre-werbung.gif" alt="Ihre Werbung auf Italien.ch"></a><br> <br>
<A HREF="http://de.italien.ch/shop/Werbung" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="http://www.italien.ch/werbung/Ihre-werbung.gif" alt="Ihre Werbung auf Italien.ch"></a><br> <br> <A HREF="http://de.italien.ch/shop/Werbung" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="http://www.italien.ch/werbung/Ihre-werbung.gif" alt="Ihre Werbung auf Italien.ch"></a><br> <br> </div> </div>
<div id="content"> <a name="top" id="contentTop"></a> ...
7. save everything and force refresh (ctrl+F5)
thank you very very much, now it works really fine ;-D