Hey all,
I am happy to announce the immediate availability of Maps 6.0. Maps is the extension for to work with and visualize geographical information in MediaWiki.
You can find installation and upgrading instructions in the documentation: https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Maps/Installation https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Maps#maps
This release brings support for GeoJson. You can now display markers and shapes defined in GeoJson files on maps and you can manage GeoJson on special wiki pages in the new GeoJson namespace. This allows for visual editing of map data via standard GeoJson editors. For more info, see https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps/GeoJSON
Other improvements made since 5.0:
* Added GeoJson namesapce. Pages in this namespace can only contain GeoJson * Added geojson parameter to #display_map, available only for Leaflet * Improved support for the latest MediaWiki versions * Added Geoportail (France) layers for Leaflet (by Gilles Cébélieu) * Improved geocoding service fallback order (by Karsten Hoffmeyer) * Added scrollwheelzoom parameter for GoogleMaps (by hidrarga) * Added support for installation of Maps in non standard directories (using wgExtensionDirectory) (by Tobias Oetterer) * Added egMapsGeoCacheTtl setting (by Máté Szabó) * Added scrollwheelzoom parameter for Leaflet that allows disabling scroll wheel zoom (by hidrarga) * Improved layer support for Leaflet (by Peter Grassberger) * Custom marker icons on Leaflet maps are now scaled correctly (by hidrarga) * Updated Leaflet library from version 1.1.0 to version 1.3.4 * Updated Leaflet plugins to their latest versions * Fixed #display_map parameter imageoverlays: title, text and link are no longer ignored * Fixed #display_map parameter polygons when using Leaflet * Fixed popups for lines, polygons, circles and rectangles when using Leaflet * Fixed display of popups with no content for Google Maps * Fixed fatal error when geocoding fails for addresses in circles and rectangles * Fixed #display_map parameters icon and visitedicon when using a namespace prefix (ie. File:FileName.png) * Fixed icon and visited icon modifiers of #display_map parameter locations when using a namespace prefix * Fixed #display_map parameter circles when using Leaflet * Fixed the visited icon modifier of the #display_map parameter locations (it is no longer ignored) * Fixed fatal error when using #display_map parameter circles * Fixed fatal error when using #display_map parameter rectangles * Fixed #display_map parameter rectangles fill color modifier (it is no longer ignored) * Fixed #display_map parameter rectangles fill opacity modifier (it is no longer ignored)
The documentation also got a big overhaul since 5.0. See https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps for the feature overview.
If you are interested in contributing to the project, have a look at the issues suitable for newcomers: https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Maps /issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22
-- Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw Software Crafter | Speaker | Student | Strategist | Contributor to Wikimedia and Open Source ~=[,,_,,]:3