I made a slight modification to the Database.php [starting at line 1004] file in the wikis I run. Should this be included in the next Mediawiki release?
function tableName( $name ) { global $wgSharedDB;
# Skip quoted literals if ( $name{0} != '`' ) { if ( $this->mTablePrefix !== '' && strpos( '.', $name ) === false ) { $name = "{$this->mTablePrefix}$name"; } if ( isset( $wgSharedDB ) && ("{$this->mTablePrefix}user" == $name ) or ("{$this->mTablePrefix}interwiki" == $name)) { $name = "`$wgSharedDB`.`$name`"; } else { # Standard quoting $name = "`$name`"; } } return $name; }
My reasoning for doing this is that if someone is using the same user table then most likely would like to use a common interwiki table. That was my use.
What do you all think?