I've install an new mediawiki without any errors
MediaWiki http://www.mediawiki.org/: 1.8.2 PHP http://www.php.net/: 5.1.2 (cgi) MySQL http://www.mysql.com/: 4.1.19-standard
The tables are emtpy. No import has down till now. The first and only change in Localsettings.php has been this copy from include/defaultsetting.php $wgUseAjax = false; $wgAjaxSearch = false; $wgAjaxExportList = array( );
Then replace "false;" by "true;" and ad "wfSajaxSearch" to $wgAjaxExportList)
$wgUseAjax = true; $wgAjaxSearch = true; $wgAjaxExportList = array( wfSajaxSearch );
Now it is not possible to search for an article. After writing some letters in the searchbox (no matter if the Article exist or not) a message pop up:
Error: 500 Internal Error: Parser::replaceInternalLinks: $this->mTitle is null
Any Ideas what I have done to my brand new wiki?