From: Terry Auspitz
I'm hopeful that someone can explain to me, in reasonably small words, how to properly populate the "Help" namespace on my new Wiki.
I went through that on one site, and decided it wasn't worth the effort. There are too many "leaves"!
Luckily, there are relatively few "branches" from which those leaves spring, and you can easily find them all in the MediaWiki namespace. I changed each one to point to Meta -- changing "Help:Editing" to "Meta:Help:Editing", and all is swell. (Oh, I think I hand to turn on some obscure option like $wgScaryTransclusion or something similar.)
Of course, this is not perfect. Unsophisticated users might not realize they're not in Kansas any more, and the Meta help may not be perfectly synch'd to your version, and you can't customize or improve the help (unless, of course, it improves Meta's help, which is negentropic and great!). But for me, it was a heck of a lot better than importing stuff, waiting for it to break, then going back and importing more stuff, then waiting for it to break, then importing more stuff...
:::: We can only continue to use oil as long as it lasts. We should be looking for other sources of energy. There's only one that's big enough, it's free, and good for at least a billion years. That's the sun. We must move into solar energy. -- M. King Hubbert, 1976 :::: :::: Jan Steinman ::::