Hello all,
MediaWiki 1.4beta6
I had a problem with the application putting :443 in each https link. There's an easy fix in DefaultSettings.php, by modifying the code which determines a reasonable default for $wgServer (or simply overriding the default in LocalSettings.php with $wgServer, which was not as elegant):
if (isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] )) { if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80) if ($wgProto == 'https' && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) // If we're using HTTPS, don't add a port $wgServer .= ""; else $wgServer .= ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; }
This goes right before the unset($wgProto); line in place of the previous if clause.
Someone who cares more can make the innermost-IF clause more elegant by not having an effectively null statement.