I just tried upgrading from 1.19.2 to 1.20.0. I followed the standard procedure of backing up my DB, extracting the tarball to a new directory, copying over my images, LocalSettings.php, and one custom extension, and running maintenance/upgrade.php. I run a pretty much "vanilla" wiki with one very basic custom extension (which blocks and logs spammers based on block lists) and a custom skin derived from MonoBook.
Everything seemed to be going fine until I attempted to access the main page. I then got a "Fatal exception of type MWException" on an otherwise blank page (500 HTTP error). I went to the "how to debug" page in the Manual (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Debug) and tried turning PHP error reporting with no luck. I turned on the debug log file, with the output inlined below.
I'm no MediaWiki hacker by any means, but from what it looks like the "MagicWord" parser is blowing up on an "invalid magic word" on my main page ("speciale"). That token doesn't look familiar to me, and I have no idea if it actually exists in my main page since I can't exactly look at it at the moment. I'm not familiar enough with the back-end tables to know what to query from where.
For now I'm backing out all my changes and falling back to 1.19.2. I'm the only one with write access to my wiki, but I can't afford the downtime for my readers. I can't seem to get anywhere with this, no matter what I tweak. Any ideas?
Start request GET /wiki/Main_Page HTTP HEADERS: HOST: [REDACTED] USER-AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0 ACCEPT: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 ACCEPT-LANGUAGE: en-US,en;q=0.5 ACCEPT-ENCODING: gzip, deflate DNT: 1 CONNECTION: keep-alive COOKIE: [REDACTED] PRAGMA: no-cache CACHE-CONTROL: no-cache CACHES: XCacheBagOStuff[main] XCacheBagOStuff[message] XCacheBagOStuff[parser] LocalisationCache: using store LCStore_CDB Fully initialised Warning: no dba extension found, using emulation. IP: [REDACTED] FileCacheBase::isCacheGood: cachetime 20120905165959, touched '' epoch 20121107151229, good Connecting to localhost wikidb... Profiler::instance called without $wgProfiler['class'] set, falling back to ProfilerStub for safety Connected to localhost wikidb. Title::getRestrictionTypes: applicable restrictions to [[Main Page]] are {edit,move} MessageCache::load: Loading en... cache is empty, loading from database, loading FAILED - cache is disabled Unstubbing $wgParser on call of $wgParser::firstCallInit from MessageCache::getParser Parser: using preprocessor: Preprocessor_DOM [5f37a124] /wiki/Main_Page Exception from line 311 of [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/MagicWord.php: Error: invalid magic word 'speciale' #0 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/MagicWord.php(236): MagicWord->load('speciale') #1 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/parser/Parser.php(4765): MagicWord::get('speciale') #2 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/parser/CoreParserFunctions.php(74): Parser->setFunctionHook('speciale', Array) #3 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/parser/Parser.php(253): CoreParserFunctions::register(Object(Parser)) #4 [internal function]: Parser->firstCallInit() #5 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/StubObject.php(79): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #6 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/StubObject.php(99): StubObject->_call('firstCallInit', Array) #7 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/cache/MessageCache.php(829): StubObject->__call('firstCallInit', Array) #8 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/cache/MessageCache.php(829): StubObject->firstCallInit() #9 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/cache/MessageCache.php(807): MessageCache->getParser() #10 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/Message.php(615): MessageCache->transform('$1 - {{SITENAME...', true, Object(Language), Object(Title)) #11 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/Message.php(436): Message->transformText('$1 - - {{SITENAME...') #12 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/Message.php(476): Message->toString() #13 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/OutputPage.php(790): Message->text() #14 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/OutputPage.php(833): OutputPage->setHTMLTitle(Object(Message)) #15 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/Article.php(485): OutputPage->setPageTitle('Main Page') #16 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/actions/ViewAction.php(37): Article->view() #17 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/Wiki.php(427): ViewAction->show() #18 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/Wiki.php(304): MediaWiki->performAction(Object(Article)) #19 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/Wiki.php(536): MediaWiki->performRequest() #20 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/includes/Wiki.php(446): MediaWiki->main() #21 [PATH_TO_WIKI]/index.php(59): MediaWiki->run() #22 {main}
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Jeff Darlington General Protection Fault http://www.gpf-comics.com/