I would like to announce the latest updates of the <graph> extension for Mediawiki. This extension takes graph/flowchart descriptions written either in the easy and human friendly Graph::Easy language, or the popular DOT language, and turns them into inline scalable "drawing" (HTML, ASCII, Unicode Boxart, SVG), or uses dot to render PNG images.
The underlying software has improved quite a lot, now sporting features like:
* color scheme support * more formatting options * many bugfixes * support for graphviz parsing * etc.
One example input:
[ Graph description ] == parse ==> [ Parser ] ==> [ Output ] { border: bold; }
That would be rendered in ASCII (HTML/SVG/PNG etc look of course much better :) like so:
+-------------------+ parse +--------+ ########## | Graph description | =======> | Parser | ==> # Output # +-------------------+ +--------+ ##########
Here are some handy links:
Download and install these:
http://search.cpan.org/~tels/mediawiki-graph http://search.cpan.org/~tels/Graph-Easy
Then read the projects page and the manual:
http://bloodgate.com/perl/graph/ http://bloodgate.com/perl/graph/manual/
Or look at the wiki page source:
Or try it directly on the demo page:
Please send feedback, report bugs etc. so I can improve my work.
Hope you find this usefull,
- -- Signed on Tue Sep 19 11:08:41 2006 with key 0x93B84C15. Visit my photo gallery at http://bloodgate.com/photos/ PGP key on http://bloodgate.com/tels.asc or per email.
"Retsina?" - "Ja, Papa?" - "Warp 3." - "Is gut, Papa."