Hi Bernard,
2010/1/27 Bernard@bernardHulsman.nl bernard@bernardhulsman.nl:
Yes it is. See http://handleiding.wikiation.nl/MediaWiki:Common.css for the definition and http://handleiding.wikiation.nl/Niveau_2_infobox_gebruiken for the implementation of that definition.
I see the cat-foo entries appearing in the html, so obviously you have it working. Which MediwWiki version is needed for this feature, or is it done through one of the extensions you have on handleiding.wikiation.nl?
But be aware. A category may have multiple parents in MediaWiki. If you use multiple parents AND you use multiple styles, then the result will be unpredictable.
Yes, of course having a page in multiple categories that drive styling can lead to hard to predict outcomes, but for my purposes that will not be an issue.