I have posted the following mail a number of days ago. No replies. Please, isn't there any comment on this??????
################################################################################################# I am posting this message again. Sorry, but does anyone have a comment? If one just use <pre> </pre> tags (or indentation implying the same!) between list elements, the list continuity is lost. (e.g. Numbered list will be broken here and will start at 1. in the next item!). There used to be a work around for this: # one # two <nowiki> </nowiki><pre><nowiki> TMP </nowiki></pre> # three
Until recently this worked flowlessly. But not any more in > 1.7.1 versions!! Does anybody know why? I have been using this construct a lot and now things suddenly look ugly!
Is this a known bug?
Have a look at : http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Editing_FAQ#Q:_Can_I_put_preformatted_te... before commenting please!