Hello i have the following problem :
i trying to install a mediawiki version 1.3.5 in Russian and after chmodding the dir and filling the installation formular ive got this:
Initialising "MediaWiki" namespace...
Warning: Undefined index: 1movedto2 in /home/ZTM3PNG1/htdocs/encyclopedia/languages/LanguageRu.php on line 1028
And then if i trying to access the main page (after moving localsettings.php to the root directory) im getting:
[pear_error: message="fopen("/tmp/tpl_0_7_0_239b6c042560228b7d7cdf729efbd138.php", "w") - Operation not permitted" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]
Wats wrong ?