This is what my problem is I have just installed media wiki on a subdomain (http://buy.domain.com http://buy.domain.com/ ) Now when I point my browser to this url it just wont open up instead it gives me a page cannot be displayed
2. When I open http://buy.domain.com/index.php/Main_Page the page opens fine. (So I guess nothing wrong http://buy.domain.com/index.php/Main_Page with my WIKI) http://buy.domain.com/index.php/Main_Page http://buy.domain.com/index.php/Main_Page 3. The domain is hosted on another server and the sudomain goes correctly to the other server. http://buy.domain.com/index.php/Main_Page http://buy.domain.com/index.php/Main_Page Now,. I noticed that there is a redirection to www.buy.domain.com before the page acutually goes to buy.domain.com http://www.buy.domain.com/ Why on earth does this happen AND more importantly how do I get rid of this or atleast get my wiki to http://www.buy.domain.com/ Start http://www.buy.domain.com/ http://www.buy.domain.com/ PLEASE HELP ME !!!! http://www.buy.domain.com/ http://www.buy.domain.com/ Pradeep http://www.buy.domain.com/ http://www.buy.domain.com/