I'm trying to add a box (a div tag) on the first page of my MediaWiki installation, as content, not page template (I don't want to modify the skin), and I want to execute a bit of JavaScript that modifies the div every time the page is loaded. Basically, I'm copying the calendar page from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Portal_de_la_comunidad, but I want it to reflect the date/time information at the time the Main Page is loaded, not when it was saved and/or cached.
What's the right place to put that JavaScript? I've thought of MediaWiki:Monobook.js, but I'm a bit uncomfortable adding things to it, as I assume it can change when upgrading MediaWiki. I can also use an extension tag (let's say, <calendar></calendar>) and insert the script from there, but it's very ugly.
Is there any other, better place?