Ekompute .info wrote:
Hi Mike, I amended the following parts: if( $this->iscontent ) { $subjpage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage(); $talkpage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage(); [...] 'useful_links', $this->mTitle->getNamespace() == 112 && !$prevent_active_tabs,'', true); }
So it would appear that you should override:
function buildContentActionUrls() {...}
in skinname.php (where skinname is whatever skin you're using - e.g. monobook.php). Of course, if you're using a standard skin, then copy and rename it to your own skin first otherwise you'll risk losing the changes if you upgrade to a newer version and the skin gets overwritten.
Note that this is a private function in SkinTemplate.php according to the comments but not explicitly using the PHP visibility keyword. If someone decides in the future to enforce this in the class by putting the keyword into the class definition, your code will no longer be able to inherit. Since this is not enforced, you'll probably be ok.