Ok two answers that sort of conflict...
Is it file:// or file:///
Mike Brierley
-----Original Message----- From: Brion Vibber [mailto:brion@pobox.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 3:25 PM To: MediaWiki announcements and site admin list Subject: Re: [Mediawiki-l] Handler for file:// type URLs?
Brierley, Mike wrote:
Would I use file:// for excel docs and word docs? And if so, could someone provide an example of how a link might look? (Code) I've tried this example and still do not get a working link.
You would use file: URLs to link to any file contained on a local filesystem or network drive. For instance if your office has Windows networking, and you want to reference the Excel file \bigserver\spreadsheets\stuff.xls you would link like this:
...see file://bigserver/spreadsheets/stuff.xls ... or ...see [file://bigserver/spreadsheets/stuff.xls the excel file]...
If the server is mapped to a drive letter (say S:) throughout your network you might do: ...see file://s|/spreadsheets/stuff.xls ... ...see [file://s|/spreadsheets/stuff.xls the excel file] ...
Note that some versions of Mozilla have disabled file: links in pages retrieved over HTTP for security. I don't know offhand what settings are
necessary to reenable it.
If you just want to link to a file you have uploaded to the wiki, use media links: [[Media:uploadedfile.xls]]
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)
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