I'm configuring $wgHTTPProxy = true; for CURL request and $wgForeignFileRepos to see remote images on my local wikipedia i don't know where set the our proxy ip address , because the curl is sending request to heres go an lines of my debug log
Http::request: GET http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?titles=Image% 3APen%C3%ADnsula+ib%C3%A9rica+1030.svg&iiprop=timestamp%7Cuser%7Ccomment %7Curl%7Csize%7Csha1%7Cmetadata% 7Cmime&prop=imageinfo&format=json&action=query Http::request: HTTP return code 0 Http::request: CURL error code 7: Failed to connect to Invalid argument FileCache negative MISS for PenÃnsula_ibérica_1030.svg Http::request: GET http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?titles=Image% 3ABurgos+Cathedral.jpg&iiprop=timestamp%7Cuser%7Ccomment%7Curl%7Csize% 7Csha1%7Cmetadata%7Cmime&prop=imageinfo&format=json&action=query Http::request: HTTP return code 0 Http::request: CURL error code 7: Failed to connect to Invalid argument FileCache negative MISS for Burgos_Cathedral.jpg