Tim Starling wrote:
Is there some problem with php_tidy.dll that I don't know about? I've been using without any problems.
No, it works fine.
The internal tidy works out of the box on Windows. The external tidy will typically need configuration of $wgTidyBin. Why do you think it's more surprising to use the reliable internal tidy than to ignore it and fail due to a missing external tidy?
I don't. I think it's surprising that internal Tidy is enabled by default and one has to dig through Parser.php and DefaultSettings.php to figure out why enabling an external Tidy doesn't work. For *nix installations, it's not a default - the admin has to set up Tidy in the PHP install by compiling in the Tidy bits. If you install plain vanilla versions for one Windows and one *nix wiki, you get two different default behaviours - Windows gets internal Tidy and *nix doesn't.
Versions ? to 1.6 got internal Tidy with PHP4 and no Tidy with PHP5. 1.7 to 1.11 got no Tidy by default (and required a code fix by the admin in Parser.php to get it working) and now 1.12 gets Tidy by default again. To be consistent with the previous several versions, I think that $wginternalTidy should default to false.