With Mediawiki 1.5.X, I was using pretty URLs with the "alias" method (no mod_rewrite needed). Now, with the 1.6 snapshot, I cannot make it work right. (This is with the wiki language set to Spanish, BTW, but I don't think that should make a difference).
I'm able to use /wiki, for example, I can access
just fine. However, I'm seeing two different problems. On one hand, the links from the navigation sidebar (when I move the cursor over the link, for example) are now
instead of
The second problems is that, when accessing the special pages, I'm seeing this Apache error:
[Wed Apr 05 11:47:15 2006] [error] [client aa.bb.cc.dd] (20024)The given path misformatted or contained invalid characters: Cannot map GET /wiki/Especial:Specialpages HTTP/1.1 to file, referer: http://localhost/wiki/Portada
FWIW, I've read the "Make non-ugly URLs" page at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Eliminating_index.php_from_the_url
and I've tried the first method (the one using alias, not mod_rewrite), but it doesn't work.
Any clue?