There is an entirely separate (and quite active) mailing list for the Semantic MediaWiki extensions:
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of B. M. Whealton Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 9:30 PM To: MediaWiki announcements and site admin list Subject: [Mediawiki-l] Semantic Media Wiki Questions
Hello all, I wonder how popular the SemanticMediaWiki extension is for members of this list. Are there other lists like this one that deal with different extensions or uses of Mediawiki or enhancements to a Mediawiki? Anyway, I had a couple questions. I installed SemanticMediaWiki on my media wiki site. So, it might be useful to find
out, do a search of, other sites/wikis that one use SemanticMediaWiki and are about a similar topic, subject or focus for their wiki. Then having done so, we would want to link to each others wikis, share content, and encourage collaboration. That's the reason or function of a SemanticMediaWiki. SMW helps to search, organize, tag, browse, evaluate, and share the wiki's content and allow the wiki to function as
a collaborative database. Is there a way to find for example other mediawiki installations that are about writing, poetry and related topics? Is there then a way to include a list of these articles and sites within my
wiki? Thanks, Bruce