Apologies, I meant rename not remand :S.
On 9/6/07, Gary Kirk gary.kirk@gmail.com wrote:
Bureaucrats can remand users if you install the Renameuser extension from mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Renameuser Hope this helps, I don't know about passwords. Gary
On 9/6/07, Sullivan, James (NIH/CIT) [C] sullivan@mail.nih.gov wrote:
Can usernames be changed? I know users cannot be deleted and I do not want to do that, but we have a situation where the authentication mechanism is moving from local accounts created in the wiki to an external authentication mechanism, so, for example, user "joe" is user "joed" in the external authentication mechanism. Is there a way to change the user "joe" to "joed" in the wiki database? The page histories can show either user ID, that is not important. Also, I'll need to set all the user passwords to null. I suspect I'll need to do that through an SQL routine but if there is a better way...
Thanks in advance for any help or ideas...
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-- Gary Kirk