I wrote:
How do I go about adding a textbox, a button and some popup javascript to every editpage?
Looks like I have to change includes/EditPage.php to achieve that; here's what I did:
---------------------------------------------------------------- </textarea> <!-- Rap Dictionary specific extension start --> <br /> Find lyrics: <input tabindex="3" id="findLyrics" name="findLyrics" type="text" size="60" /> <input tabindex="3" id="findLyricsGo" name="findLyricsGo" type="button" value="Find" onclick="window.open('http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aohhla.com+' + escape(this.form.findLyrics.value), 'findLyrics')" /> <em>" . htmlspecialchars( wfMsg( 'newwindow' ) ) . "</em> <!-- Rap Dictionary specific extension end --> <br />{$editsummary} ----------------------------------------------------------------
Bummer, there goes my compatibility with upgrades... :-(