We are developing a wiki for social services documentation, and I'm hoping to use subpages as this will in effect have pages with the same name:-
children with disabilities/forms child protection/forms etc.
The only comment we have had is that people don't like the page title being the full form as you know the parent pages anyway as they are listed in the breadcrumbs.
I tried adding the following function to monobook.php, which will change the displayed title to just be the bit after the last /
function chop_title($show) { if(strrpos($show,'/')) { $show = substr(strrchr($show,'/'),1);}; return($show); }
and changed the line <h1 class="firstHeading"><?php $this->text('title') ?></h1> to <h1 class="firstHeading"><?php chop_title($this->text('title')) ?></h1>
I've tested the the function outside the monobook.php and it works a expected but id doesn't work in situ (has no effect on the displayed title)
Any comments ?