2006/10/17, JTAutry jtautry@yahoo.com:
So I've heard. Unfortunately, a) the fix is plastered all over the mediawiki FAQ and b) its confusing to a newbie becuase there is no $wgUrlProtocols being assigned in LocalSettings.php.
Yes, I'm both a newbie and confused! :)
I am a newbie too and i found this way to learn $wg_Strings_I_Never_Have_Heard_About:
Searching in Mediawikis search http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%24wgUrlProtocols
Hopefully finding a manual-article http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:%24wgUrlProtocols
Following the link "Site customization:" on the top of the page
Reading on the top of the targetarticle:
Never edit DefaultSettings; copy appropriate lines to LocalSettings.php instead and amend them as appropriate.