my host provider has upgraded from mysql 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge5-log to mysql 5.0.32-Debian_7etch1-log Since this upgrade, all my pages containing greek, cyrillic and some latin extended chars are broken, MediaWiki display blank content. When I edit, I see what horror happened :
if you look at http://tousauxbalkans.jexiste.fr/index.php5?title=Accueil&action=edit you'll see some �? instead of such chars (here a č uppercase) * [[:Catégorie:�?oček|�?oček]]
I tried importing a dump made by mysql4, it doesn't work better.
I tried another host, which has mysql 5.0.27, it's the same horror.
What happened ? I already had problems with such chars in page_title which is not a blob, but here it's in the content of a page, stored as a BLOB !
I'll ask my host to give me back a mysql4 database, and see if it'll be better...