That works great, thanks Brion!
Best Regards,
=== You said: ===
From: Brion Vibber Subject: Re: how to turn off upload affirmation check box [v1.2.6] Newsgroups: Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 18:14:06 +0000
To remove the check box, remove this line from SpecialUpload.php:
<input tabindex=3 type=checkbox name="wpUploadAffirm" value="1" id="wpUploadAffirm">
And you'll also need to remove the check for it in the form processing, in the same file: if ( 1 != $wpUploadAffirm ) { mainUploadForm( WfMsg( "noaffirmation" ) ); return; }
-- brion vibber (brion <at>