At 4/19/2005 08:53 AM, Richard Holton wrote:
I think I've noticed on Firefox (and not verified on IE) that if you open a new tab or window using a link with an anchor, it does not jump to the anchor.
That's precisely the case for me. Here's why this scenario is important:
I'm hoping to have external-URL references to MediaWiki docs/pages, and more specifically, a reference to a specific section in a page. The only way I know how to do this is to use URL "anchors" (the #this-is-section-3 kind of thing).
With an external reference (say in an email, a blog, a web forum, Word doc, another Wiki page, etc etc), a click to it will create another Firefox tab/window (or another Opera tab/window, or another IE browser, etc). I want my readers to be able to go to the specific section of the Wiki page, for that section will probably be associated from a particular context/content the reader was viewing (which linked to the Wiki section).
This scenario therefore becomes extremely important if I want to have "cross-referenced" content, even if it's just from Wiki page to Wiki page.
I assume this makes complete sense (and that I run the risk of possibly "talking down" to folks here), but if it doesn't, please let me know.
At 4/19/2005 08:53 AM, Richard Holton wrote:
I'm not sure if this is helpful, but... I think I've noticed on Firefox (and not verified on IE) that if you open a new tab or window using a link with an anchor, it does not jump to the anchor. If you follow the link without opening a new tab/window then it will jump to the anchor.
-- Rich Holton