Hi Namrah,
I think you want to modify the skeleton for all pages. If you are running version 1.3, it is in templates/whtml_slim.pt If you are running version 1.4, it is in skins/monobook.php (here, I guess that you didn't change the default layout. If you changed the skin to something else as monobook (let's call it myskin), then you need to modify skins/myskin.php
(I'm only suming up what I've learned this week... hope I understood what Jamie said previously)
Namrah wrote:
Greetings everyone,
I'm sure that this has come up before but I can't find it. I want to add a stat counter from one of the external services to the footer of my mediawiki, so that it is on all pages. I can't seem to find which files or where I would put this.
Any help would be appreciated.