On 7/22/2012 10:04 AM, Platonides wrote:
Hi Tom, You shouldn't have any problem in using a period in the namespace name. If you're making a constant for the namespace name, you can't reference a constant with a period on its name, but the constant could be anything (eg. NS_FOO11), as it isn't ever shown to the end user.
Thank Platonides, from your answer the defines would look like this without any problems.
define("NS_FOO11", 500); define("NS_FOO11_TALK", 501); $wgExtraNamespaces[NS_FOO] = "Foo1.1"; $wgExtraNamespaces[NS_FOO11_TALK] = "Foo1.1_talk";
This is because internally for Mediawiki the namespace is actually numerically dependent, FOO11 is really is 500. The Foo1.1 is just for user consumption.