On Wednesday 08 February 2012 21:22:30 Anne Wilson wrote:
What is the best way to set up multilingual capabilities on an existing wiki? I administer a wiki that has gained some international followers, and they’d like to translate it into their own language to help promote it. Searching the mediawiki.org site shows a number of extensions, but none really seem to suit. Ideally, I’d like to have a situation where there is pageX_en and pageX_de, pageX_ru, etc. Are there any recommended practices for setting this up?
There are two main problems - first, that the pages can get out of sync, and second that there is no easy way for translators to be reminded about what needs doing. That is, by the old way of doing it.
It sounds to me as though you want the same as we wanted in our wiki - translations of English pages, kept easily in sync, with all new input being on the English page. If that is your requirement, Niklas Laxstrom's Translate extension is for you. You can see how it works for us if you visit http://userbase.kde.org. We'd be happy to answer questions on Freenode's #kde-www.