On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 4:39 AM otheus uibk otheus.uibk@gmail.com wrote:
I installed the latest release (1.2) of the DataTransfer Extension via Git. I installed it on a 1.31 MW system per the INSTALL file. I went to the Spezial:XMLview page as instructed. I selected one of the categories and the main namespace and hit 'view XML'. After a few seconds (< 10) I got a 500 page. I see the 500 error in the PHP logs (so this isn't a web timeout). The PHP debug logs show only the following:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: 0505261 in $IP/local/extensions/DataTransfer/includes/DT_PageStructure.php on line 139
($IP is the full installation path, redacted for security reasons)
I believe you need to run maintenance/update.php after you install an extension. Can you confirm you have run it?
(I find it is best to run maintenance/update.php after any maintenance, including a Mediawiki upgrade, extension installation, extension removal, etc).