On 30 Mar 2005, at 12:10, Jamie Bliss wrote:
It's been mentioned that if you hack the vars in LocalSettings.php so that the includes, maintenance, and languages directories are one place (eg, a global location), but extensions, images, and skins are someplace else (a user-specific location), you can change the variables so it works. (I should try it just to see how it works.)
That sounds like a lot of work! Here's how I do it. Feel free to leave my .signature on. I got into the habit of putting at least one colon in front back in the 80's, when I was pretty active in a shell script mailing list... ;-) ---------------- #!/bin/bash ## # Link the wiki files into another directory for use as a copy. # # $1: where to put the wiki # # Where the originals are basedir=/Library/WebServer/include/wiki
# Should not need to change anything below this line. # # Where the target website is # if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then echo $0 error, $1 does not exist; exit 999; fi
# # Resolve relative name, if needed. # stardir="$PWD" cd "$1" targetdir="$PWD" cd "$startdir"
# # Setup the base wiki directory. # umask=027 [ -d "$targetdir/wiki" ] || mkdir "$targetdir/wiki" chgrp www "$targetdir/wiki" targetdir="$targetdir/wiki"
# # Hard-link files in $1 directory to $2 directory, both of which exist, # recursively doing the same in any subdirs found. # Paths must be absolute. # depth=-1 function linkall() { echo ((depth=$depth+1)) for (( i=$depth; $i > 0; i=$i-1 )) ; do echo -n ' '; done echo -n "linking $1: " local here="$PWD" cd "$1" local f for f in * do if [ -d "$f" ]; then mkdir "$2/$f"; chgrp www "$2/$f"; linkall "$1/$f" "$2/$f" ; else echo -n '.'; ln "$1/$f" "$2/$f"; fi done cd "$here" echo -n '/' ((depth=$depth-1)) }
linkall "$basedir" "$targetdir" echo
# # Explicitly handle exceptions. # chmod 770 "$targetdir/images" chmod 770 "$targetdir/config" rm "$targetdir/LocalSettings.php"
echo echo "Now go to http://hostname/wiki/config and set up the configuration" echo "REMEMBER remove or write protect the config directory afterward!" echo
:::: If busses stop at a bus station, and trains stop at a train station, what happens at a work station? :::: Jan Steinman http://www.IslandSeeds.org/wiki