On 11/7/2012 5:22 PM, Platonides wrote:
What's your custom extension? Does MediaWiki 1.20 work if you disable it? In what language is your wiki?
It's a modified version of the CheckSpambots extension that hooks into my custom spam block list system. Basically, if someone tries to edit a page, their IP is checked against a few well-known blacklists (StopForumSpam.com, BotScout.com, ProjectHoneyPot.com). If any of these checks come back positive, the user is blocked. There's a bit of caching on my end to prevent overloading the blacklists and it records suspect IPs into a separate database that I use to feed my iptables blocks.
The text "speciale" does not appear anywhere in this code. Disabling the extension has no affect; the MWException is still thrown. The extension works fine under 1.19.x.
I also have a custom skin derived from MonoBook, but disabling this skin and using whatever the default is also has no affect. The exception is still thrown. Nothing I do seems to get this thing to run.
My wiki is in American English.
Speciale is the namespace of special pages in Italian, but in this case, it looks like your custom extension is registering 'speciale' as a parser function but it isn't registered as a magic word.
The text "speciale" appears nowhere in any of my custom code, including the custom extension and the skin. I know nothing about "magic words", so I'm not knowingly registering, defining, or using any. I did a find/grep on the entire code base:
find . -type f -print | xargs grep "speciale"
This returns almost 200 lines, all vanilla MediaWiki code, not my modifications.
includes/parser/CoreParserFunctions.php has a function called "speciale", but I haven't done any digging into the code to see what it does. It's just showing up in the grep results and happened to look suspicious.
- --
Jeff Darlington General Protection Fault http://www.gpf-comics.com/