I am trying to set up a wiki family with subdirectories based on mediawiki 1.18.1 version ie.,
http://mysite.com/wiki1 and http://mysite.com/wiki2
I am referring to the drupal-style settings documentation for the above wiki family setup. The problem is even with the drupal-style LocalSettings.php (which looks for a regular mediawiki-style LocalSettings.php in the sites directory) in place, going to http://mysite.com/wiki1 brings me up with the installer to generate a LocalSettings.php.
Following the same drupal-style instructions, I was able to set up a wiki family (subdirectories as above) successfully with mediawiki-1.16.1 version. I realize that there are many changes since 1.161.1, in particular the $IP variable settings and require_once("includes/DefaultSettings.php") were moved to includes/WebStart.php from LocalSettings.php. Also new to 1.18.1 is the HipHop compiler/interpreter. The paths in includes/WebStart.php are either compiled/interpreted paths set by the hiphop library "includes/Init.php".
I tried to modify the "includes/WebStart.php" in the old style, by changing "MWInit::interpretedPath("LocalSettings.php") to "($IP/LocalSettings.php"), but still I am being presented with the installer going to http://mysite.com/wiki1
Would you point to me how and where I should make changes to create a wiki family with the 1.18.1 code base? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Poornima.