I have a work wiki (running 1.27) that I'm trying to put through AWS Cloudfront.
So far it appears to work through Cloudfront! Except that load.php gives different data through Cloudfront, and I get an unstyled page, and load.php's entire output seems to be:
/* This file is the Web entry point for MediaWiki's ResourceLoader: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ResourceLoader. In this request, no modules were requested. Max made me put this here. */
If I go directly to the wiki server, load.php gives all the stuff one would expect.
Cache TTL is set to 0 while I try to get this working.
Lots of other people run MediaWiki through Cloudfront okay. What simple thing have I missed here?
(I'm configuring Cloudfront with Terraform, if that helps.)
- d.