On 4/5/06, Juanma Barranquero lekktu@gmail.com wrote:
when accessing the special pages, I'm seeing this Apache error:
[Wed Apr 05 11:47:15 2006] [error] [client aa.bb.cc.dd] (20024)The given path misformatted or contained invalid characters: Cannot map GET /wiki/Especial:Specialpages HTTP/1.1 to file, referer: http://localhost/wiki/Portada
The problem, as it turns out, is not related to using pretty URLs and/or mod_alias aliases, and it is not new (sort of). Back in 2003, the Apache developers talked about it:
AFAICS, it is related to Apache on Windows deciding that colon is not a valid character in filenames. However, it seems like something (probably mod_php) should tell Apache the paths are valid because they don't really map to a file.
The weird thing is that this didn't happen before, so either the Apache 2.2.X build on Windows, or PHP 5.1.2 (and .3RC) is doing something different...
-- /L/e/k/t/u