Anyone happy with your commercial MediaWiki Web host?
Recommendations? virtual hosting, $7.95/month, where I host my MediaWiki has frequent sluggish spells. I suspect the MySQL server is bogged down by too many other virtual host customers (my wiki only gets a few hits a minute, itself) and the overextended MySQL server is causing the wiki to serve pages in 2-8 second instead of the 1-2 seconds that is acceptable to normal website visitors. Normal people such as I'd like Wikigogy to serve just wont wait more than 2 seconds to view a page. So I need to find a faster MedaiWiki hosting solution. The slow down is on again off again -- site is fine for a day or more and then everything slows down again. It just wont do for my project.
I'd love to hear from anyone who is using a commercial full MedaiWiki Web host, on a virtual Web hosting account or otherwise, and is happy with it.