Hello list,
mit folgenden Anlagen <none> schrieben Sie am Mittwoch, 3. September 2008, 13:21:07: HD> Unfortunately I can upload pictures but I can't access them, I only HD> get "Access Denied You need to log in to access files on this HD> server."
So, to whom it may concern:
The function / variable Code: "$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']"
goes with my PHP-Version (much more my providers) like this Code: "$_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']".
How did I find? My provider gives an phpinfo.php5 where all the stuff is shown, I appended some testdata like this Code: "phpinfo.php5/245/56/Trash.txt". In the resulting page I searched for trash and found that variable for the trailing path is Code: "$_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']".
In img_auth.php I replaced all occurrences of Code: "$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']" with Code: "$_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']", ftpd it up and here we go! All the pictures are served from that very obscure path.
Hth Holger