silly file-upload problem: jpeg, png and pdf will grow (size: doubled) and damaged using Spezial:Upload I try in LocalSettings.php: $wgMimeDetectorCommand= "file -bi"; $wgTrivialMimeDetection= <true | false>; $wgVerifyMimeType = <true | false>; $wgVerifyMimeType = <true | false>; $wgStrictFileExtensions = <true | false>; $wgCheckFileExtensions = <true | false>;
with different combinations with different output but no success e.g. command line "file -bi <filename>" returns correct image/jpeg -
Try Firefox and IE 6.0.sp2
any suggestions?
wiki on Linux 2.6.13/php 4.4.2/mysql 4.1.18/apache 2.0.53
mfg M.Menges