Hello, I'm using the upload wizard extension (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:UploadWizard). I would like to add a custom licence to the choice of licences here. I would be very grateful if someone could help me along and/or could provide an example configuration.
I tried the following: - Installing the extension (good start...) - Config like described on https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:UploadWizard ("Enabling uploads and thumbnails ")
...now the fun part, yet unsuccesful; - LocalSettings.php: added $wgUploadWizardConfig['licenses']['myown'] = array( 'msg' => 'mwe-upwiz-license-myown' ); $wgUploadWizardConfig['licensesOwnWork']['licenses'][] = 'myown'; - created a wikipage at "Mediawiki:mwe-upwiz-license-myown" containing some licence-text
I got the following: the only output is that I get to see in the interface of the wizard are text at the place where actually the licence choice should be that resembles the name of the wikipage with the licence, framed by single brackets: e.g. "[mwe-upwiz-license-myown-explain]"
Is there somebody who could help along and provide explanation or and example of how to add a custom licence here?
Cheers, Jan